In this area children are developing the crucial knowledge, skills and understanding that help them to make sense of the world, and who they are.
This forms the foundation for later work in science, design and technology, history, geography and information and communication technology.
We aim to do this by:
- Providing opportunities for the children to explore, observe, investigate and think about outcomes.
- Use activities to promote the above such as, gloop, cookery, bread making, painting and modelling with different media, junk modelling, sand, water, growing cress, plants, weather charts, time lines.
- Enjoy and explore experiments such as freezing, melting, making jelly etc.
- Record outcomes and results in different ways, using pictures, graphs, mark making, etc.
- Encouraging use of construction activities, stickle bricks, duplo, lego, magnetic shapes, cogs and wheels, hammer and nails.
- Providing opportunities everyday for the children to use the computer area and listening box.
- Provide a range of software and child friendly mouse.
- Provide a large range of cd’s, tapes, books, rhymes for the children to use in the listening corner.
- To encourage independence when using ICT toys.
- To support the children who are not confident using the ICT equipment.
- To talk about our home life and families.
- Encourage the children to bring in pictures, favourite things from home.
- Provide opportunities for the children to talk about their families, either as a group or on a one to one.
- Plan trips to local areas, Paignton Zoo, Kents cavern, Cockington park, local primary schools, walk down to the local shops.
Welcome and encourage visitors to the preschool, i.e. fire service, invite visitors relevant to the topic.
- Celebrate and talk about different religious celebrations, Divali, Hannukah, Chinese New year, Christmas etc.
- Invite parents / carers/ grandparents to take part in different celebrations.
- Encourage the children to think about time, present, past and future, using picture lines, time lines, photographs, clocks.
- Changing role play areas, different themes linking to the current topic.
- Plenty of circle time opportunities to talk about news from home, topic discussions, anything of interest or just time for a chat.
- Listen and appreciate what the children have to say, allowing them time to answer and express their feelings and thoughts.
- Provide a special times board where the children can display special photographs and items from home.